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piace a 1 persone
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piace a 1 persone
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Nome: Cook

Cognome: Together

Sesso: Uomo

Data di nascita:


Directions: First of all, clean the black sea bass, cutting along the abdomen and removing the guts. Then, give the fish a good rinse under cold running water to remove any traces of blood. With the help of scissors, trim off the dorsal fin, the tail fin and the pelvic fins. Grasp the fish firmly by the tail and with the blunt edge of a knife start to scrape away the scales, moving from the tail end to the head. Rinse the fish under running water again to get rid of any scales that have not fallen and dry with kitchen paper towels. Stuff the fish with minced parsley, chopped garlic, salt and pepper. Then, place it on a baking pan, covered with baking paper sheet and little oil. Peel and cut the potatoes into thin slices and place them alongside the fish, without overlapping them. Add cherry tomatoes, an unpeeled garlic clove and parsley; season with salt and drizzle with little oil. Put in a 180° oven and bake for 35 minutes. Remove skin and bones and serve the fish with potatoes and cherry tomatoes. Preparazione: Praticate un taglio lungo il ventre dell'orata e riempitelo con il prezzemolo e l'aglio tritati, il sale e il pepe. Adagiate le orate su una teglia, ricoperta da carta forno, e aggiungete un filo d'olio. Sbucciate e tagliate a fette sottili le patate e posizionatele ai lati del pesce, senza sovapporle. Aggiungete i pomodori ciliegini, uno spicchio d’aglio in camicia e del prezzemolo; salate e ricoprite il tutto con un filo d'olio. Infornate l'orata a 180° e fate cuocere per 35 minuti. Togliete la pelle e le spine e servite l'orata al forno con patate e pomodori ciliegini nei piatti.


